Why & how Tech Leads(Micro CEOs) should influence adoption of Functional & Meta-Programming techniques(C++1x)

Image result for technical debt

How many times do you find yourself & your team in the situation in the image above. In technical term, this is called “Technical Debt”. 

You would agree that team is not at fault. It’s just that in a fast paced environment, the refactoring, maintainable code & so on get a back seat. And it’s easier said than done. 

With Functional & Meta-programming, a tech lead can aim for reducing technical debt. There is much theoretical literature on Functional & Metaprogramming including C++1x. However no literature that tackles the practical problems of how & where to use to reduce technical debt.

In this blog, I cover technical aspects from practical point of view on how to refactor code  & leverage benefits of Functional & Metaprogramming with focussed efforts.

A true Tech Lead may have following questions in her mind. Which I try to cover in this blog.

       a. How can I refactor some of the code myself as part of my own task assignment from scrum to guage efforts, estimates myself & lead by example? Is it really worth it?


       b. How can I identify Functional & Meta Programming patterns which help team to identify hotspots in our code.

       c. How can I help team to plan some of refactoring activities as part of regular scrums without impacting business deliverables?

Stay tuned…More to come…

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